was my first day as a part-time freelance interpreter for an NGO that
helps children in need. I was so happy to put my skills to use and also
get to learn so much about their work and how everything works there.
at the office was very nice to me and made me feel right at home. It's
so good to use what I do best to help this organization that deals with
issues so close to my heart. I was a bit nervous at first but everything
turned out fine. They were as happy as I was in the end, which
definitely made me proud and feeling so blessed for this opportunity.
family was so happy for me too. I told them everything about my day and
they listened closely, not stopping me once. I got big hugs and words
of encouragement, and that was all I needed to make this day even
better. We talked and shared bits of our day over some coffee later.
I'll keep this day on my mind along with the smell of my warm latte (My
memories are very tied to smells, curiously).
time ago I was wondering what was my true vocation in life. I'm
studying to become a lawyer, but I think there's so much more to it than
just laws, gavels and jail sentences. I hope and aspire to make a
difference with the knowledge I gather in however way I can.
job has helped me find purpose in what I love to do, and I hope there
will be even more ways to join work, dreams to change the world and my
love for helping people in the future.
(Text und collage von Isabella. Das Diary wurde am 05.04.2016 geschrieben)
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